
你雄心勃勃. Fully invested in your education—and ready to do what it takes to get where you want to go. You’re probably looking to surround yourself with other people like that, too. 你可以在这里找到它们.


提交转学申请, you must have already completed 12 or more credit hours of college coursework at a regionally accredited university after graduating high school, 或者正在寻求第二个学士学位. Applicants must be in good standing with their previous colleges/universities.

博彩平台排名的转学生来自不同的背景, 但统计数据是了解你的立场的好方法. These figures represent the transfer class that entered in fall 2022:

3.49-4.14: 2022年转学生平均成绩在50%左右
2.5: Minimum recommended cumulative GPA, with no grades below C- in your most recent semester





Our transfer admission process is outlined below along with timetables for each step in the process.


转学入学是在滚动基础上进行的. We strongly encourage interested transfer students to apply before our priority 应用程序 deadlines to maximize their scholarship consideration.

Decide whether you want to start in the fall or spring, and make a note of these dates:


If you’re applying to one of these programs or identify with a population listed below, 你可能需要采取一些额外的步骤来完成你的申请.